The Afroliteracies Journal
By Marion Kilson
The inspiration for this poem is the Gã ceremony Bi Kpodziemↄ.
Brought from inner sequestration
Into a guest-filled yard.
Laid upon the ground at twilight;
Lifted to the star—
Not once but thrice.
Distilled drink passes among guests;
Each one whispers the name.
Each one sips from a coconut.
Each one whispers again—
Not once but thrice.
The trash heap no longer threatens.
Escaped from nothingness.
Before twilight became true dawn,
Escaped into being—
Not once but forever.
Dr. Marion Kilson is a Harvard trained Social Anthropologist who has researched extensively into the cultural life of the Gã.
Marion Kilson is the editor of Kings, Priests & Kinsmen by E. A.Ammah (Legon-Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2016).
We love Ga Dangbe, it is a beautiful dialect
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